Marathon Marriages (MP3)

Marathon Marriages (MP3)


Marriage Mentoring

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This is a unique series in that it is developed by James Emery White in partnership with his wife, Susan. They collaborated for "Marriage Mentoring" where, in an unscripted format, they will speak freely and candidly about life-lessons gained from nearly 35 years of marriage. Over those years, they raised four children who are all in vibrant relationships with Christ and who have all started families themselves. There is a thirst among singles and those married for mentoring on marriage. This series is a great opportunity to receive just that from a couple who have not simply gone the distance, but who are experiencing a marriage that is even more vibrant after three-and-a-half decades than ever. *Please note that this series will only be available in .mp3 format.

Individual Messages:
1 - From Romance to Reality
2 - Communication
3 - Marathon Marriages